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How to Find a Good Plumbing Company to Work For

Posted by | June 8, 2015 | Jobs and Careers Blog

How to Find a Good Plumbing Company to Work For How to Find a Good Plumbing Company to Work For

Working as a plumber can be rewarding. You have plenty of options once you have your education, apprenticeship training, and certification completed. You know you can start your own company, but maybe that is not for you. Perhaps you want someone else to hold the responsibility for running the company and employees, so you can just enjoy the work and security. If this is the case, you are probably wondering…

How to Filter Quality Candidates for a Plumber Job How to Filter Quality Candidates for a Plumber Job

Filtering quality candidates versus those who won’t be for a plumbing job might seem easy. You will certainly apply some common sense, but there can also be issues that might make you miss a true quality candidate. Here are some suggestions on how to begin your search for filling a plumbing job at your company.   Resume Scan When you announce a job posting for plumbers, you will start to…
